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Evaluating protection against five strains of meningococcal disease

We are looking for healthy adolescents and young adults to participate in an important new study investigating a potential combination meningococcal vaccine.

There are five meningococcal strains that are known to cause disease - A, B, C, W and Y. There is currently no single vaccine available that provides protection against all five strains of this potentially life-threatening disease.

What is meningococcal disease?

Meningococcal disease is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, or ‘meningococcus’. Meningococcal infections are rare but can start suddenly and become extremely serious very quickly. While most people will recover, the disease can cause life-long disabilities or death.

Babies, children, teenagers and young adults have the highest risk of contracting meningococcal disease.

What will researchers investigate?

The QUINTET Study will evaluate the effectiveness of a potential vaccine called MenABCWY.

The investigational vaccine is designed to help protect against the A, B, C, W and Y strains of the disease.

What does the study involve?

Participation in the study will take approx 10 hours over an 12-month period, including visits to our clinic at Perth Children’s Hospital. 

Involvement will include:

  • Six onsite visits and seven follow-up phone calls throughout the study period.
  • Four vaccinations, consisting of a combination of licensed and new meningococcal vaccines and/or a placebo. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of six groups, and each group is assigned their own schedule of vaccines.
  • Regular general health check-ups by the study doctor and nurses.
  • Four blood tests to assess immune responses to vaccinations.
  • Reporting information after vaccinations, such as side effects, into an electronic diary provided for your use.

Participation in the study is voluntary. Reasonable costs for your travel will be reimbursed.

Who can take part?

Healthy adolescents and young adults aged 10 - 25 are invited to participate in the QUINTET Study.

Participants must not have received any previous vaccinations against the B strain of meningococcal disease. Those who had the Men C vaccine as a baby or when they were less than two years of age, as well as those who received a Men ACWY vaccine over four years ago, are very welcome to take part.

Please contact the Vaccine Trials Group study staff if you would like more information or to get involved.

Phone: 0400 450 240