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Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is caused by bacteria called Bordetella pertussis that can infect the nose, throat and lungs. For young babies who aren’t yet old enough to be vaccinated, a pertussis infection can be life-threatening.

ComboVax Study

A new addition in 2020, the ComboVax Study investigates the effectiveness of a new combination booster vaccine designed to protect against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and polio.

There are only a limited number of vaccines licensed for use in Australia that can provide protection against this combination of diseases. Booster vaccines are recommended for children at four years of age on the National Immunisation Program, and are also given to teenagers and adults. Unfortunately, high demand and world-wide shortages mean they are often unavailable for those who need it most. 

In the ComboVax Study, the new combination booster vaccine is compared against the existing vaccine, Boostrix®-IPV, to investigate its ability to provide a similar level of immunity. With a very short study period of just 30 days, the ComboVax team are hoping to recruit 102 participants aged 4 - 17. If you know someone who fits this age range, please call our study team on 0400 450 240 or email 

Whooping Cough Study in Young Adults

Vaccines providing protection against pertussis have been available for a long time - most young adults would have received vaccinations in childhood plus a booster vaccine offered in high school. The current vaccine used in Australia and many other countries is highly effective; however, new research has shown that the immunity begins to wear off after three to five years.

In the Whooping Cough Study in Young Adults, researchers are aiming to learn more about a new vaccine called Pertagen® that is designed to provide longer lasting and superior immunity against pertussis. Pertagen® is also a stand-alone vaccine that only vaccinates against whooping cough, while the vaccines currently used in Australia are combinations of pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. This means every time a whooping cough vaccination is given in Australia, people are receiving unnecessary repeat doses of tetanus and diphtheria. This is especially important for people who need frequent whooping cough vaccinations such as pregnant women (who are currently recommended to receive a whooping cough vaccination every pregnancy), healthcare professionals and childcare workers.

The study team are hoping to recruit 210 healthy young adults aged between 18-25 years who are required to visit the clinic at Perth Children's Hospital three times over a one-year period. Participation is very much appreciated - this vaccine is now licensed in Thailand thanks to previous clinical trials and we are hopeful this will also be the case for Australia in the near future.

Please call our study team on 0400 450 240 or email for more information.

 PRIME Study

The PRIME Study has been running since 2017 and are excited to begin PRIME02 in 2021! This study investigates whether whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy affects the baby’s immune response to future infant and toddler vaccinations, as well as how long the mothers’ immunity to whooping cough lasts after vaccination.

We have now enrolled 139 healthy mother-baby pairs in PRIME (Protective Vaccine Responses in Infants after Maternal Pertussis Vaccination), with recruitment complete and follow up/analysis ongoing.

A new group of mother/baby pairs will now be recruited for PRIME02 to incorporate changes to the National Immunisation Program since the study first began. PRIME02  will explore the impact on pneumococcal vaccine responses with the new two, four and 12 month pneumococcal vaccine schedule.

Participants in this study will help provide knowledge to guide vaccine development and provide information for immunisation programs during pregnancy and childhood. Mothers aged 18-45 years and healthy babies born from 37 weeks gestation are eligible to take part - please email to register your interest.